
7 Beautiful Islands to visit in USA

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There are some amazing & beautiful to visit in USA. Here is a list of some of them...

Santa Catalina, California

Santa Catalina is one of the gorgeous Island in Los Angeles. People visit this island for relaxation, sunbathing and adventurous activities like paragliding.


Amelia Island, Florida

Lined by long pine trees, refreshing waves & the golden stretches of sand, Amelia Island is one of the the ideal islands in USA.


Sea Island, Georgia

Sea Island in Georgia is one of the most spectacular and luxurious Islands in USA. Wonderful drinks and yummy meals  in this beach offers perfect bliss in this isolated Island.


Mount Desert Island, Maine

Paired with dense forest and the uneven coastline, this island is a popular hiking spot in the East Coast.


Martha's Wild Vineyard, Massachusetts

This offers an unique view of the 5 lighthouses in the secluded island. You can also choose to stay in the cheap summer destinations in the gorgeous Island.


Block Island, Rhode

This Island is ideal you want to escape from the hassles of the busy life and switch to a more silent setting of life. You can get to explore nature if you visit Block Island.


Orcas Islands, Washington

Orcas Islands is one of the serene islands in USA. If you love greenery more than lounging on sandy or sunny beach then this Island is for you.


Thanks for reading the story! These are some of the beautiful islands to visit in USA.

(Images used are for representative purpose only)

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